Supercharging Demand Generation

The cloud networking and security firm Aviatrix is trusted by more than 500 of the world’s leading enterprises, empowering the cloud networking community to stay at the forefront of digital transformation.

Bold was retained to help develop a deeper understanding of buyer purchasing behavior, of the individuals within an enterprise that influenced the purchase decision for cloud networking products, and to build brand awareness, trust and perceptions of thought leadership among the identified buyer personas.


  • Enhance marketing communication and demand generation programs to: 

  • improve lead quality,

  • increase the volume of Marketing Qualified Leads, and

  • drive increased conversations to Sales Qualified Leads and ultimately, sales.


Develop a Customer Journey Map that aligns marketing and sales activities, engages prospective customers all along their purchase journey, and provides channel-specific content recommendations that resonate with prospects, building awareness and trust in Aviatrix and its products.


Research and Analysis

  • Interviews with stakeholders, customer surrogates.

  • Creation of Digital Customer Panels for analysis of customer behavior and pain points.

Customer Persona Development

  • Identification of Architecture of Influence, or key customer stakeholders involved in the purchase decision.

  • Creation of detailed customer personas for primary customer stakeholders

  • Identification of high-engagement content related to customer stakeholder pain points, and relevant to Aviatrix solution.

Customer Journey Mapping

  • Identification of the six stages of the Aviatrix purchase journey, and 21 steps within those stages.

  • Development of detailed marketing and sales strategy recommendations for each customer persona at each stage and step of the customer journey.


  • Alignment of marketing and sales activities with recommendations from the Customer Journey Map and Customer Personas.

  • Development of content and touch points (events, webinars, email campaigns, etc.) based on strategic recommendations from Customer Journey Map and Customer Personas.


  • MQLs increased by 2.5X and SQLs by 3.5X year-over-year.

    Lead quality improved, driving an increase in MQL to SQL conversions.

    Data-driven content recommendations resulted in improved audience engagement with client content on average by more than 5X.

    Data-driven customer personas enabled marketing and sales teams to better understand needs of the customer and how to align content and touch points with those needs.

    Customer Journey Map enabled marketing and sales teams to understand the buying journey from the customer’s perspective, improving engagement across content, events, and other touch points.